
There would be hardly anyone in the online world who would have not heard about ChatGPT in the past few weeks. The ChatGPT user base speaks to that. It attracted 100 million users in just a span of 2 months. In the last 15-20 years, since Internet has been surprising us with many unique ideas and innovations for users to engage, this one ace to all others. Tik-Tok, the next closest app, has a large user base, and it managed to pull 100 million users only after eight months.

In the last few years, we used to hear & talk about how AI and ML (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning) would change the world and replace many existing jobs. But one never thought it would become a reality in such a pace. And mind you, it is just a beginning!

I have been awestruck just looking at ChatGPT’s response to user inputs. One who have used it for quite a while would know what I mean. It feels like someone genious sitting on another side is responding you at 100x speed of relevant content to your questions. It seems like the world was not ready to digest this innovation. Infact, in the history, non of such path breaking innovations was something humans received with open hand. It took time to absorb and look things with a fresh and positive mind to understand the potential of all these innovations.

One of the Industrial revolution innovation that I remember of was forklift. Today, it might not come into general people’s mind about the impact forklift makes in industries. It’s been looked as just another machine that does the lifting job. However, even this innovation was not received well by all the labourers back then, as it affected their trade. Though labourers had to do a very strenuous job, but the innovation of forklift (a blessing for them) was seen as a threat as it meant losing their bread and butter. However, now when we look back, we know how it helped the human kind to raise themself in this evoltion to take up greater things.

If we closely observe how things are changing in everyone’s life, we’d know many things we did while we were growing up are not relevant or practised by our kids. Some may have difficulties and doubts to accept, but eventually we would have to go with the flow. Today when I see my six year old son writing on a book with a pen and block font, my old mind asks if it’s right or should he be practicing cursive writing with a pencil. An old mind would have many arguments to justify why it is important to learn cursive writing, but an open mind would know it really doesn’t make a difference in this world when one doesn’t need to handwrite anything with the introduction of technologies around.

Similarly, with the introduction of ChatGPT, rather than schools and universities deciding to ban the site, they should be thinking about how can the education system evolve with new ideas and innovations to test and evaluate students IQ and intelligence. Rather than looking ChatGPT as a threat that can affect students capability in writing content or preparing projects, it takes a great skill for one to ask right questions. The possibility are limitless with ChatGPT, and coming days would only look promising if today’s generation accepts and embibe this at the earliest.

What’s the future of budding students with AI getting in every sphere of life?

With AI taking up most of today’s job, our future generation would be fortunate to invest time and effort to look within and evolve with talents and skills that are unique to everyone. Most of today’s profession would be obsolete. So parents out there, don’t think about imposing your ideas about how to lead a career and be successful.

More details on what is ChatGPT and its background can be found on Wikipedia.

What’s in for me?

ChatGPT can be a great tool provided you know to ask right questions. ChatGPT would not really help you learn those skills. So get your basics right and learn the skills by searching in Google on how to use ChatGPT. 

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